Quickstart ========== Every assembly file needs to begin with the definition of ``.MEMORYMAP`` and ``.ROMBANKMAP``. You can put these inside a separate file that is included at the beginning of the assembly files. Here's an example:: .MEMORYMAP DEFAULTSLOT 1 SLOT 0 START $0000 SIZE $2000 SLOT 1 START $2000 SIZE $2000 .ENDME .ROMBANKMAP BANKSTOTAL 2 BANKSIZE $2000 BANKS 8 .ENDRO Right after these, before any code is written, you should define bank, slot and org:: .BANK 0 SLOT 0 .ORGA $0000 Now you are ready to start programming! The next step would be creating a linkfile for the linker as after the assembly files go through the assembler they need to be linked. Here is a minimal example of a linkfile when your project has just main.s (that has been assembled into main.o):: [objects] main.o Give this to the linker and you'll get the final binaries.