18. Good things to know about WLA

  • Is 511 (Amiga, MSDOS) or 2047 (other platforms) bytes too little for a string (file names, labels, definition labels, etc)? Check out MAX_NAME_LENGTH in shared.h.

  • Want to have more operators and operands in a calculation than 64 (Amiga, MSDOS) or 256 (other platforms)? Check out MAX_STACK_CALCULATOR_ITEMS in defines.h.

  • WLA preprocessor doesn’t expand macros and repetitions. Those are actually traversed in the assembling phase.

  • WLA’s source code is mainly a huge mess, but WLALINK is quite well structured and written. So beware!

  • To get the length of a string e.g. “peasoup”, write “peasoup”.length.

  • Do not write .E into your sources as WLA uses it internally to mark the end of a file.